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A year of personal growth & gains

It's time to put yourself back on your to-do list in a supportive & collaborative community.

Cultivate is our year long program, supporting you in your journey of personal growth & gains through personalized health coaching, weekly group coaching calls, and so, so much more.

Why Cultivate?

Our goal for this program is to help you navigate all seasons of life. Not just at the peak of motivation or a singular goal that you are chasing. We want to help you through the obstacles of life and help you cultivate a positive relationship with your body, mind, food, & movement.  We'll work collaboratively to find simple & sustainable ways to reach & maintain the growth you achieve while working with us!

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For the womxn who..

  • spends so much time taking care of others & is ready to reprioritize her own well-being.
  • is tired of diet culture, yo-yo dieting & quick fixes and is looking for something more sustainable.
  • has big goals and wants to tackle them in a realistic and enjoyable way.
  • wants to feel strong & powerful now & support their health into their golden years.
  • knows that change doesn't happen overnight and is committed to changing their health long term. 
  • wants to have more energy, less inflammation, & feel comfortable in their body

You'll learn...

  • to navigate different seasons of life and adjust expectations and motivation
  • how to gain confidence around food choices and navigate & set personal boundaries
  • what works for you and what your non-negotiables are
  • how to move your body in an enjoyable way that leaves you feeling strong, empowering, and trusting in your body
  • how to eat in a way that supports your health & leaves room for enjoyment too 
  • reclaim your personal health and increase longevity 

Your Year of Cultivate

What's Included

  • A year of personalized health coaching including on-going nutrition & lifestyle  recommendations &  personalized workout program 
  • Five 45 min coaching calls with your coaches Julia & Morgan
  • 12 months of tailored online course content to support your journey 
  • Weekly group coaching calls including monthly focused topic discussions, planning & accountability calls, Q&A's, and guest speaker workshops
  • 24/5Whatsapp chat support with Julia and Morgan
  • Free access to all our virtual events throughout the year 
  •  Other fun surprises & treats throughout the year ;)
  • Discounts on 1:1 personal training sessions

Plus $1000 in bonuses when you register by March 25th!

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Our 4 Pillars

Winter: Cultivating a Foundation

January to March are time for us to work towards building a solid foundation with our habits in which we can build upon the rest of the year.

Spring: Cultivating Nutritional Well-Being

April to June are centered around nutrition principles and cultivating a healthy relationship with food & finding ways of eating that work for you & your lifestyle.

Summer: Cultivating Movement

July to September we'll be focused on movement, exercise, and training topics. Providing you with the insights and support to create your own sustainable movement routine.

Fall: Cultivating Sustainable Habits

October to December are for us to reflect on what we've learned so far and discuss sustainable ways to maintain the growth & gains you've made this year.

 Your Year of Growth & Gains

Below is an overview of the online course content modules and monthly focuses that we'll discuss in our weekly coaching calls too!


We'll set a foundation to build upon and get you setup for your year of personal growth & gains! This month we'll focus on intentions, goals, planning, & habit building.


We'll take a deeper look at our foundational habits such as sleep, energy, digestion, recovery, and cycle that will help support your goals throughout the year.


One of our favourite topics: self care practices and finding ways to put our personal health back on our own to-do lists. We'll cover nervous system regulation, rest, and recovery.


Nutrition foundations is the main topic for April! We'll talk about whole foods, macros & micronutrients, portion control, and meal prep basics. 


Continuing with our theme of nutrition, this month we're prioritizing our relationship with food, shifting our mindset around food choices, and navigating nutrition in social situations.


Advanced nutrition considerations. We'll discuss topics around hydration, supplementation, pre & post workout nutrition, and diets that support specific health conditions & life stages.


Training foundations is the topic for this month! We'll discuss types of exercise and their benefits, understanding pain & injury, and how to create your own sustainable movement routines.


A month of rest and finding joy in movement outside of the gym. Plus a little break to enjoy your summer and implement strategies you've learned so far!


We're diving deeper into strength & endurance training consideration such as progressive overload, stability, balance, and fitness testing to track personal growth and changes. 


We're talking all about fostering community & relationships. We'll discuss the power of accountability & support, setting boundaries, and asking for help! 


We'll support you in cultivating sustainable habits, overcoming obstacles, motivation, and being okay with taking a pause when needed.


A great time to reflect on achievements and growth, talk about letting go of perfection, and discuss how to maintain your growth from the past year.

What our clients are saying.. 

Sarah L.

"Cultivate has been such a great investment for me as a busy physician and mom of 3 it’s hard to commit to high intensity programs or offerings and I often find my fitness and nutrition slipping. Julia and Morgan have created a program that blends the perfect balance of accountability and group support while offering ample flexibility to modify nutrition and fitness elements to fit in my often hectic days!""

Sara K.

"The kindness, acceptance, collective knowledge, and resources of Matriark founders Julia and Morgan are a constant source of engagement and learning.

Through Cultivate, they have made me accountable, not just to them, but to myself by encouraging me to create habits that support my success. I have struggled with this for years. Having a customized support system to guide me with a personal and collective touch is nice. I love the weekly meetings and daily support, knowing someone is there to reach out to, even if I don’t need it. I also appreciate the ongoing learning opportunities they provide for us in Cultivate including the knowledgeable and informative guest speakers that they regularly bring in to speak with us.

The Cultivate program is an extension of things I hope to do, should be doing or am already doing on my own. But with Cultivate, I get to do it with knowledgeable women who share and give guidance, along with other women in similar situations, in a setting where we can all share those moments of success, the everyday and disappointment.

The most significant benefit I’ve noticed so far is the slow behavior changes that are helping me grow, learn, and re-establish a connection with myself: who I want to be, what I want and need for my lifelong health journey. I always kind of knew what I was doing, but with Cultivate, I know I am on the right track for me and can carve out that time for me.

I’m three months into Cultivate and I can’t wait to see how and what changes come for the rest of the year for the program and myself!

~ Sara

(Excited Cultivate Participant)"

Two coaches are better than one!

With over 20 years of combined experience in the health & wellness space, Morgan & Julia both work with you as a team to support you throughout your year of personal growth. We also bring in new guest speakers every month too!

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Your Investment

Monthly payments or pay in full options available.


Plus $1000 in bonuses until March 25th

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Frequently Asked Questions

Have other questions? Send us an email anytime at [email protected] or send us a DM on Instagram @matriark.